EuroBlight Workshop

3-6 May, 2010, Arras, France

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Session 0: Opening

Author Title


Proc. paper

Lees A, Hansen JG & Schepers HTAM Opening and Table of Contents
Schwartzmann M Potatoes: A World production, a European business

Session 1: Late blight - status in Europe and beyond (Chairman: Greg Forbes)

Hansen JG et al. Epidemics and control of late blight in 2009 in European countries
Cooke DEL Eucablight pathogen database update -
Forbes G EuroBlight in a global context

Session 2: Host/pathogen interactions and characteristics (Chairman: Jadwiga Sliwka)

Chmielarz M et al. Chosen characteristics of Polish Phytophthora infestans isolates
F�rch M et al. Monitoring the Dutch P.infestans population for virulence against new R-genes
Montarry J et al. The A2 invasion of Phytophthora infestans in France: population structures during the first few years -
Runno-Paurson E & Koppel M Estonian populations of Phytophthora infestans from different cropping systems
Cooke DEL et al. An update on the status of P. infestans genotype 13 in GB -

Session 3: Epidemiology and late blight models (Chairman: Geert Kessel)

Kleinhenz B et al. Use of geographic information systems in late blight warning service
Hansen JG et al. EuroBlight tool for the comparison of late blight submodels - Status and perspectives
Kessel G et al. Opportunities for Potato Late Blight DSS�s in Argentina
Evenhuis A et al. Tuber blight: Effects of cultivar, spore density and isolate

Session 4: Plenary session � Pesticide package (Chairman: Eileen Bardsley)

Schepers HTAM Framework Directive (2009/128/EC) on the sustainable use of pesticides -
Krauskopf B & Schirring A The new EU registration procedures for Crop Protection Products: an update -

Session 5: Subgroup Fungicides (Chairman: Huub Schepers)

Johnson SB Post-Harvest Applications of Phosphorous Acid for Control of Phytophthora infestans on Potatoes
Edmonds J Gowan and future developments with Zoxamide in Potato -
Reimann S et al. Initium - a new fungicide active ingredient for the control of Peronosporamycetes
Jilderda K, Reimann S & Tegge V Initium based products for the control of Phytophthora infestans
Latorse M-P Infinito: Protection of new growth from infection with Phytophthora infestans
Cooke LR & Little G Evaluation of mandipropamid for the control of potato late blight in Northern Ireland
Desnouck J The curative and eradicant activity of Proxanil -
Schepers HTAM et al. & Bain R. Testing fungicides in the EuroBlight network

Session 5: Subgroup Pathogen & Host resistance (Chairman: David Cooke)

White S & Shaw D Breeding for host resistance: the key to sustainable potato production
Corbi�re R et al.- Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Algerian isolates of Phytophthora infestans
Kildea S et al. Dramatic changes within the Irish Pythophthora infestans population during the 2008 and 2009 seasons
Gr�nberg L et al. Variation of P. infestans within and between fields

Session 5: Subgroup: Epidemiology & DSS (Chairman: Geert Kessel & Jens G. Hansen)

Bruyere J & Culiez L Fight against late blight in organic production -
Dubois L, Szilvasie S & Duvauchelle S Evolution of work on the fight against Late Blight in France within the Ministry of Agriculture -
Tsch�pe B et al. �ko-SIMPHYT: A forecasting system for specific scheduling of copper fungicides against late blight
Kessel GTJ et al. Durable deployment of late blight resistance genes from an epidemiological perspective -

Session 6: Plenary session. Recommendations from the subgroups (Chairman: Didier Andrivon)

Kessel G & Hansen JG Report of subgroup epidemiology and decision support systems

Cooke D Outlook from the pathogen and host characterisation subgroup -

Session 7: Alternaria (Chairman: Hans Hausladen)

Blixt E & Andersson B Alternaria solani - occurrence and fungicide sensitivity in Sweden
Turkensteen, Spoelder J Will the real Alternaria please stand up?
Leiminger J & Hausladen H Population genetics � consequences on early blight disease
Latorse MP et al. A molecular detection tool to determine and differentiate Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata pathogens on potatoes

Session 8: Control strategies (Chairman: Bent J. Nielsen)

Calaora V & Seng J-M New and innovative approaches to study fungicide mode of action against Phytophthora infestans through epifluorescence microscopy -
Nielsen BJ et al. Blight Management, a risk dependent dose model for controlling potato late blight
N�rstad R, Le VH & Hermansen A Reduced fungicide input in late blight control (REDUCE 2007-2011)
Kessel GTJ et al. Experimental control strategies aimed to reduce the fungicide input at a practical scale
Chatot C et al. MILEOS: a unique National DSS for Regional potato partners to comply with European Regulations. -

Session 9: Posters

Rivett H, Bain, R & McQuilken M Early Dormancy Break in Blighted Progeny Tubers
Carlsson-Nilson Crossability of wild potato species and breed lines resistant to late blight
Zoteyeva NM & Patrikeeva MV Phenotypic characteris/cs of North-Western Russian popula/ons of Phytophthora infestans(2003-2008)
Keil S, Zellner M & Benker M Latent infections rate of potato seed tubers with Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary
Kuznetsova MA et al. Significance of oospores in the overwintering of the late blight pathogen in Russia
Khavkin E et al. Potato resistance to late blight as related to the R1 and R3a genes introgressed from S. demissum and S. stoloniferum
Rogozina E et al. Late blight resistant tuber-bearing Solanum species in field and laboratory trials
Statsyuk NV et al. Characteristics of Phytophthora infestans population in Russia
Filippov AV Russian market of late blight fungicides: advice to potato growers
Pell� R et al. Wild Tuber Bearing Solanum Species screening for Late Blight Resistance under natural conditions
Heremans B et al. Efficacy of different fungicides for the control of early blight
Rakotonindraina T Modelling the effects of spatially distributed cropping systems on the epidemics of potato late blight
Bland�n-D�az U et al. High phenotypic variation within a clonal lineage of Phytophthora infestans from Nicaragua.
Esnault F et al. Marker-assisted selection of QTL PiXspg in diploid backcross progenies
Jung J, Ebli M & Kleinhenz B Definition of thresholds for soil moisture to assess zoospore infections by Phytophthora infestans
Pankin A et al. Searching among wild Solanum species for homologues of RB/Rpi-blb1/Rpi-bt1 gene conferring durable late blight resistance
Gengotti et al. Field comparison of mancozeb with other protectant fungicides for the control of tomato late blight
Gengotti et al. Efficacy evaluation of different fungicides for the control of potato late blight
Corbi�re R et al. Study of invasive French populations (2006-2008) of Phytophthora infestans, the Oomycete causing potato late blight.
Galfout A et al. Occurrence of late blight in Algeria and resistance of some cultivars to the Algerian population of Phytophthora infestans
Issakham F & Bouznad Z Evaluation of Difenoconazole and Chlorothanolil on conidial germination and mycelial growth of Alternaria
Marhadour S et al. Late blight resistance of potato mapping populations in front of naturally evolving pathogen populations
Kapsa J Modern fungicides in control of early and late blight in Poland
Bugiani R et al. Curative efficacy of some fungicides for late blight control in tomato
Plich J et al. Potato tuber resistance to Phytophthora infestans - comparison of evaluation method -
Chapman A et al. The changing Phytophthora infestans population: implications for Late Blight epidemics and control
Masih et al. Late blight of potato : new generations of agressivity and integrated control -
Lees A et al. The effect of late blight population changes on host resistance ratings
Hausladen H Phytophthora model Weihenstephan control of late blight in Germany -
Nyongesa M et al. Assessing changes in aggressiveness of Irish populations of Phytopthora infestans on potato -